Thursday, March 24, 2011

brokebitch scenerio #5,000: mama was right, be responsible...

so when it came time to enroll in insurance, I did. Even though it subtracted almost $100 from my meniscal paycheck. Then I had to go to the emergancy room, $5,000! I paid $200. However, I got upteen bills. Lab sent me a bill for $700 saying my insurance didn't cover the bill. I started to freak out and scream when I remembered Insurance companies aren't gonna jump up and down and pay everything immediately. Could you really picture an insurance company sending me a thank you card for costing them over 5 grand?! That I'd love to see! So I called and said this should be apart of my emergancy room coverage. They realized my emergancy room stay hadn't been processed. ah, ha, moment! They didn't process the claim because they didn't get it was connected to the emergancy coverage. This happened 8 months ago but I just paid my $200 deductable for the emergancy room. A brokebitch who uses her smarts is way better than one who sits on her arse. "you've got a brain in your head and feet in your shoes, you can go wherever you choose!" ~Dr. Seuss


Thursday, March 3, 2011

brokebitch scenerio #778: keep celebrating a birthday

You only get one birthday! Let's clarify just because it happened on one day does not literally mean you get one celebration. Point in case I was born in the matter of seconds. So does that mean I only get sung half the birthday song cause that's the time it took for me to come in to the world? I say you celebrate the many friends you've gained over the years so therefore many celebrations are in order! If it takes a month well...then this brokebitch evies you. I had filet, chinese, fried banana, chips and salsa, chicken, brownie, 12 shots of liquor (not all at once), pancakes, cheesecake and a portabello mushroom sandwich. All free!!! Why? Because like you I'm important. I deserve to be appreciated and you do too but the key is to tell people you want appreciation. Apprciation doesn't always come in the form of a free meal...sometimes the best appreciation is someone taking the time to say I like you because....and I'm glad you were born.

Happy birthday to me!
Dreaming makes me believe in the everyday and makes me glad I was I can dream.

~X0x0 Mandi