Saturday, May 11, 2013

BROKEBITCH scenerio 228: exercise is free yo!

Hey Y'all Brokebitch is back....working up in the gym(um outside, cuz it's free yo) and one hour to go on a 24 fast to rid my body of JUNK. I'm interviewing for a better job and need to look fine, yo!;) my friend Cindy(a personal trainer) worked with me 3 months to look like this picture below, I know I can do it again.  she's also advising me and helping me a little on my workout plan too.

here's what I've learned on the fast:
it's free, brokebitch friendly
if you're hungry you're really just thirsty for the most part
I slept for 12 hours of the fast and that's what I needed!
I walked on the 22nd hour for 40 minutes and was fine. 
I drank one coffee and LOTS of ice water.

So in the end I'm glad I did it.  You really don't need that many calories to live and it's free to fast and saved a lot of money on the food I didn't eat! It gave me confidence that I could not take a bite of anything including the small cupcakes at the coffee shop this morning...bastards. ;0)

sometimes it's the free things in life that make you appreciate life and your health...


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