Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Brokebitch scenerio #2274:Life is unfair but is it ?!?

Brokebitch was poolside at 3:30pm on a Tuesday afternoon with my bestie Rose when she said to me "ya life can be unfair but sometimes it's unfair to my advantage so I'm okay with life being unfair"  I thought  wow what an Epiphany.  I'm lounging by the pool with my bestie in the middle of the afternoon on a WEEKDAY, yes please.  Maybe this is not so fair to people working hard.  So remember when life is a bitch like you can barely make your phone bill, not that I'm talking about this brokebitch's phone but purely hypothetical(wink wink). You need to remember you're not working all the time so you get to enjoy life in a cabana by your friend's pool.  Maybe just maybe Gwenyth Paltrow will show up and pay your phone bill?! She just filmed in the Triangle, so ya never know!? P.S. I heart the Iron Man Trilogy ;)  Brokebitch knows how to kiss up, very important to use what ya got, and compliments are free. 

xoxo MM

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