Tuesday, January 15, 2013

BROKEBITCH scenerio #4567: KARMA is alive...she's so pretty to good people...

Karma is my bestie.  When I had money I gave a lot.  Now I'm the one who needs the help.  I'd much rather be the giver. It's funny how people look at giving.  We all, including myself give to big organizations like preventing breast cancer(did) pediatric brain tumor foundation(did) and diabetes foundation(do and did) but what about the girl sitting next to you tired from working several jobs? What about the girl who would grab you cup of coffee but lives paycheck to paycheck? I understand you can't just start handing out your hard earned money but maybe the best charity is right in front of you. When I had money I would take friends out for dinner when they were short on cash but never thought instead of $100 to fight a big cause like breast cancer I could of helped her electricity  stay on while she struggled to make ends meet. 

Karma came knocking on December 27th. I will NEVER forget that day. December 27, when I was 18 was the day I had to unplug my mother's breathing machine and let her be at peace in heaven.  On December 27th 2012 I was trying to find a place to live. I had to be out by the 31st(she gave me a month's notice during the holidays mind you) So my lovely friend Rebekah said I could stay with her for a month and put my stuff in storage.  I was asking around for a storage unit when a woman I know but not well asked what was happening. I explained that my roomate(owner of the townhome) asked me  unreasonably to leave after her plumbing caused a leak.  She claimed it was my over usage of toliet paper and it had EXPANDED in the pipes and overfload to cause water damage.  True story. I can't make that up. 
Karma came around the corner a few minutes later and asked how to spell my name.  I spelled it not even thinking what was going to come next...a check for a significant amount of money.  I teared up and said "are you serious?!?" she said a couple years ago I was in a tough time and my coworkers came up with a donation and while I'm not rich I have the money...pay it forward.


I posted this on my FB and my friend Rebecca posted on her page that I needed a roomie and she found me a lovely girl whom has a brand new town home in a great neighborhood.  I KNOW that good deed catipulted Rebecca to write her status.  I bet that post has other great stories attached to it as well. My heart smiles. 

I had people say what did you say to that former roomie who was unreasonable and kicked me out over the holidays?  I said nothing.  Someone once told me you get nothing from negativity.  If I told her she was unreasonable, she wouldn't believe it  She would just doubt herself for a moment.  I suffer from my own self doubt and wouldn't wish it upon anyone.  She's not a bad person, she's just ignorant.  So I chose to take the higher road.  I let her have the deposit.  I didn't leave a note saying it was hard to live there because the washer was broken, the microwave broke(which she partially blamed on me too) and she questioned how much I did laundry.  she posted the electric bill(I paid $500 which included everything) yet the bar chart showed the house used the same energy the previous year but she still insisted it was me causing the bill to go up.  No, that's North Carolina in July.

I aspire to pay it forward whenever I can in 2013.  I hope you do the same.


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