Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Brokebitch Scenerio # 17 : smoothing out the wrinkles of brokedom

It's a vicious cycle of brokedom. While I'm proud to say I've been able to pay most of my bills on time...a few have slipped through my fingers. I've gotten calls and had to hold them off until I could find the money. I've learned for the most part they'll work with you if you communicate. never assume the bill devil will cast you into the flames of bill collector hell. Assume...u make an ass out of u and me. So thall shall not assume. So the cycle of brokedom starts with a call to fix one problem and next month it starts all over again! After every phone call I look in the mirror and pray that it won't happen again! As I've looked in the mirror lately I think "thank God for anti-wrinkle cream!" So I may not be able to put food on the table but my job at Clinique is looking good! Appreciate what you are achieving and maybe the rest will come. According to Kevin Costner's character in the "Field of Dreams" if you build it they will come. I'm not sure who "they" are but I hope they come with lots of money!



  1. Hey gal it's me Rob just had to let ya know that I love reading your blogs you really know how to write and get your thoughts out there :)

  2. thanks bunches! Hope others will read too!
    ~MM :)
